God is here with us! No doubt about it!
As many of you know, Ira had her second surgery (reconnection surgery) on Monday, July 25th. Friday, August 5th, God showed just how in control He really is!! First I HAVE to tell you about the past week in a half!
After Ira's surgery she took a nasty turn for the worst. Thankfully, she never spiked a fever, but she did what the doctors called "clamp downs" several times. "Clamp Downs" are when a babies stats drop very low, and if not helped immediately, it could result in death. The reason for these so called "clamp downs" was because Ira was having a very hard time breathing. There was a big build up of liquid in her lungs, as well as, an unbearable amount of pain from surgery that she could not handle. On top of all of that, she has a breathing tube down her throat again which is very uncomfortable. So I don't blame her at all for being scared, in pain, and uncomfortable, I just wish I could have skipped seeing my baby turn blue and be bagged in order to breath again. 'Bagged' is when a nurse or doctor has to take matters into their own hands and literally hook a bag up to a baby's vent and initiate breaths for the baby because they stop breathing for whatever reason.
Fast forward a few days...
A red spot developed on Ira's tummy, doctors proscribed antibiotics right away just in case it was an infection. It presented itself to be an infection at first, then all the sudden it went away... Then things got interesting.
Monday, August 1st, (1 week after surgery) she started leaking something through her incision...more antibiotics were given for infection...not infection. Instead, POOP!
Her body had made its own mucus fistula out of the incision that the surgeons had made.
(Note...I told my daughter "Ira...this is mommies birth month..please be a good girl and poop for me!"....Guess I should have been more specific!?)
That Monday quickly turned into the worst Monday Linden or I have ever had!
Hearing a surgeon apologize to you because the surgery didn't work, and the next step is to start completely back over..is heartbreaking. But then to hear to the man who's suppose to help save your child look you in the face and tell you "If her colon is the problem, and it doesn't work at all..we will take her colon out and reroute her small bowel to her bottom. Now please know, babies have a very hard time living without a colon. Yes, it is possible for babies to live...but not very often do they live long." Those words set me back into my seat...Tears STREAMING down our faces, we felt helpless. Right then and there we died inside at the very thought that we could lose our baby. We held each other, prayed, cried, and repeated. Just thinking about what the surgeon said and the feelings they give me, still makes my eyes fill with tears and my heart hurt.
That was THE worst night of sleep I had ever gotten.
I remember countless amounts of times, while Linden slept...I just stood over Ira and cried out to God, "please don't take my baby!"
He heard me!
I didn't sleep...I sat in the chair next to Ira and watched the time roll by.
7:00 am Tuesday, August 2nd...God showed himself to me and told me that everything was going to be okay...that I just need to be still.
Beside every baby in the pod...there is a computer. Us parents are not suppose to look at any other computer except the computer next to our baby! HIPPA!!
Anyways, at 7:00am the nurses switch from night shift to day shift...they sit at the supply desk next to each baby and give the updates and notes for how the baby did for them and so on. As I sat next to Ira, I watched the nurses across from me chat. I could not hear a word they were saying because I was in my own mind, thinking about all the news we received the night before. For some reason, my eyes drifted towards the computer next to the baby's bed across from us....there I saw a perfectly white screen...it looked like it was in word excel with nothing else around it...in the middle of the screen there looked to be a column with about 10-15 blocks, filled vertically. (No idea what any of them said) About a forth of the way down the vertical column there was a horizontal sentence going clear a crossed (no idea what it said)...It made an absolute perfect cross right smack in the middle of the computer screen. I stared in disbelief until the nurses got up and walked towards the baby's bed, passing the computer. Without either one of the nurses touching it or the keys, I watched the screen go back to its home page. I was meant to look at that screen. It was the first time through this whole big journey that I smiled, felt joy, happiness, peace, and KNEW God was telling me that He had this all under control, all at the same time. I finally fell asleep after that and it was the best sleep I've gotten since Ira's been born.
Fastforward to Friday, August 5th...my parents went to see Ira Jo.
I received a text message at 6:04 pm from my mom that put me in joyful tears for the very first time!
Ira is passing gas out of her bottom! LOUDLY!!! She's proclaiming to the world that her colon is waking up and wanting to work! The surgeon came to take a look at Ira just before my parents left, and he mentioned to them just how big of a deal her farts were! (lol never thought I'd say and/or type that!) We aren't sure what the next step is exactly, but as of right now the surgeons are not planning on doing any surgery, in hopes that this miracle continues to happen and she poops out of her bottom!! That would mean her body is fixing itself! How Great Is Our God?? Seriously! Now please know we are not getting over the top excited because there's not been any poopy diapers...but let me tell you the day there is a poopy diaper, every single one of you will know!! New Center 7 will broadcast about a crazy young white female running around Cincinnati Ohio screaming and crying "Hallelujah" all while holding and waving a poopy diaper above her head!! LOL (You think I'm kidding...you wait!)
But seriously guys how AWESOME is our God!?!? (Im squealing!)
Thank you all so much for praying for Ira Jo and our family!
Please continue to pray for Ira to poop correctly and her body to heal itself without needing surgery again...but most importantly that Gods' will be done through all this! All the glory be to HIM!
Thank you all so much! Much love!
~The Sinks
Fastforward to Friday, August 5th...my parents went to see Ira Jo.
I received a text message at 6:04 pm from my mom that put me in joyful tears for the very first time!
Ira is passing gas out of her bottom! LOUDLY!!! She's proclaiming to the world that her colon is waking up and wanting to work! The surgeon came to take a look at Ira just before my parents left, and he mentioned to them just how big of a deal her farts were! (lol never thought I'd say and/or type that!) We aren't sure what the next step is exactly, but as of right now the surgeons are not planning on doing any surgery, in hopes that this miracle continues to happen and she poops out of her bottom!! That would mean her body is fixing itself! How Great Is Our God?? Seriously! Now please know we are not getting over the top excited because there's not been any poopy diapers...but let me tell you the day there is a poopy diaper, every single one of you will know!! New Center 7 will broadcast about a crazy young white female running around Cincinnati Ohio screaming and crying "Hallelujah" all while holding and waving a poopy diaper above her head!! LOL (You think I'm kidding...you wait!)
But seriously guys how AWESOME is our God!?!? (Im squealing!)
Thank you all so much for praying for Ira Jo and our family!
Please continue to pray for Ira to poop correctly and her body to heal itself without needing surgery again...but most importantly that Gods' will be done through all this! All the glory be to HIM!
Thank you all so much! Much love!
~The Sinks
Today I changed two very messy blow out diapers and I was (very slightly, I know she can't help it) frustrated because I had to wash out yet another onesie...but seeing your post on Instagram and now reading this? God is so good!! I'm so thankful for emmaline's poopy diapers and now Ira's! I pray her body continues to heal! Praise Him!!