Monday, July 25, 2016

Surgery #2

Today, Monday, July 25th marks Ira Jo's last and final surgery. (Lord willing!) This morning was by far the hardest yet. I couldn't be more thankful for what's about to happen...but every part of me just wants to cry. Why can't it be me going into surgery instead of her? Just as any mother would do, I'd  do anything to take her pain away.
12:36 pm- Ira Jo is being wheeled back to surgery...
Good news...Surgeon said this shouldn't be near as bad of surgery as the first! Thank you Jesus, I needed so badly to hear that!!
2:33 pm- Still working on her, but Ira's doing fine.
3:00 pm- We entered a private room for the surgeon to come in and talked to us.
He said....
"All went well and baby Ira is doing great. The main goal was to reconnect the bowel and that was reached. The only problem that came up was that some of her bowel that the mucus fistula was in, was unhealthy and not able to be reconnected. Therefore, we had to take out 10 centimeters of that bowel just to get to a healthy piece to use so the reconnection would be successful. So there is no more mucus fistula or ostomy bag, but while she was open we took a look at the rest of her abdomen, and there we found a couple calcified cysts but nothing that we were worried about. We are still very unsure of why any of this happened, or why her bowel with the mucus fistula was not healthy enough to use...we've done all the tests we can to figure out why this happened and nothing has showed up. It must just be one of those things that happen with no clear answer of why. Thankfully, I have good hopes for this surgery and that it will be very successful. I've had many of these cases and they do not go near this good, she should not have any life long issue from this, but of course the future is always unclear, but for now I suspect that we have fixed the problem for good. The next step for her is her incision to heal and have her first dirty diaper. Hopefully this will be within the next 5-7 days. After that we will start feeds again, but for now she will stay on TPN...all in all she's doing really well."

4:30 pm- I'm finally allowed to see my baby girl! My heart is so broken seeing all the tubes and the vent in her mouth again...I have NOT missed seeing any of these on her. So badly I just want to pick my hurting baby up, love on her and take her pain away. Mommy is suppose to make everything better and I can't...I can't do anything but hold her hand, kiss her head and sing to her. There is no feeling like the helpless feeling you get watching your baby be wheeled away from you, knowing they are about to have a very invasive surgery done...then you feel it all over again but worse when you see your baby lay lifelessly in a bed in so much pain and there is not one thing you can do to help them. My heart hurts and I so badly want to cry but my eyes have no more tears to cry...I am just SO thankful this is over with and we are past it. Now we rest, recover and pray that when her body is ready, that it poops. Here we are again...praying for poop. Out of everything I thought I'd pray for in my life...poop was not one of them, but hey we will pray for poop!
The next 72 hours are the most critical for her recovery...we are praying hard that the pain goes away quickly and she can be comfortable and heal. We also pray that when the time comes for her to poop that her body has healed itself and will work properly!
Thank you all for your love and constant prayers!
Linden, Lani, Ada Lou & Ira Jo <3


  1. Praying for poop, oh I feel ya! Our two year old has had issues for the past 7 months but we are hoping it was just a reaction to drinking hot chocolate. Then our baby had issues that have stopped when I stopped drinking coffee. It's crazy how we take things for granted until they no longer work!

  2. Praying for sweet Ira's recovery!! Praying for poop. It IS the little things that are the biggest. While our situation was much different and not as serious, I understand the fear and anxiety of handing your little one into the care of doctors. Praying for your mama heart and that the next 72 hours go smoothly. Love you all!
