Monday, September 19, 2016

Psalm 37:5 {9/19/16}

Commit your way to the Lord, 
Trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass.
Psalm 37:5

Nothing worth doing --and doing well-- comes quickly or easily. 
But the wisdom, patience, strength. and even joy God provides will definitely help!

"Slow and steady wins the race" that's the phrase that has been programed into our heads since day #1,  and it could not be anymore accurate or frustrating!

Saturday, September 17th, Ira Jo official started feeds! 1 mL an hour and she stayed at 1 mL until today, Monday, September 19th. She's now at 2 and hopefully each day she can go up by one or two until we reach full feeds! She has had multiple dirty diapers since her surgery, so they know things are moving from top to bottom, which is showing them that the surgery worked! So far they have still not been able to figure out why any of this happened and that's okay, we know God has some amazing reason why this happened and we are satistified with that, but for now all we know is that Ira had about 10 inches of bowel that just didn't work! 
At this point we are doing what by now you'd think we'd be great at...but we definitely aren't, or at least we don't feel like we are...but we are...... waiting!!
We have specific instructions that Ira needs to reach a point where she can take 90 mL (3 ounces) every 3 hours by bottle and have at least one dirty diaper every day or every two days in order to go H-O-M-E!! We also know in order to get where we need to be its going to be awhile and that's okay! Like I said before...nothing worth doing right comes quickly or easily, and it's going to take much patience, strength and choosing to find the joy in every extremely long day! 
(Now, if I can remember that when I have two screaming girls at home!)
But we are at the very beginning very anxiously awaiting that drive home! We are trusting in God and giving Him all our weariness and knowing that This Too Shall Pass! We will walk this journey a little longer, very slow and steady, but with God's help, we will conquer this race!
All I ask is that you please pray for the feeding situation, that she continues to do well with her feeds, she continues to pass stool like she has been..and that Linden and I don't loose our minds! :P 
My constant reminder is that this too shall pass! This is a small phase in our life that will soon be a distant memory.

Thank you all for your on going prayers and loving thoughts.
We are truly blessed by you all!
Ada Lou
Ira Jo

1 comment:

  1. Oh this news makes me heart so happy! Praying for the slow and steady. We love you all!
